Sunday, July 27, 2008

Summer of Series

I love series. It is like getting acquainted again with old friends. Some of my favorite series had new additions this summer. I've read all of these books except Queste. I am not finished with it.
The first one was Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan. It is the latest of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I really like these books because I have always loved Greek mythology. These books have funny side comments that you get if you know about Greek mythology. In fact the more mythology you know, the more you understand the books.

This next book is a part of The Keys to the Kingdom series. It ha a book for every day of the week. The other books are Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drown Wednesday, Sir Thursday, Lady Friday and then this one. It is and interesting fantasy where all of our universe is affected by "the house" and Arthur must get "the house' in order to save the world. It is a fun book and I have been anxiously awaiting each book since Mr. Monday came out in 2003.

Now we have my favorite fairy tales. The sisters Grimm is a series about these two sisters that find out they are direct decedents of the brothers Grimm and they did not write or collect fairy tales. They recorded a history. They were fairy tale detectives. When the magical and creature and the real world started to be incompatible with each other the brothers Grimm brought them all to America and magically sealed them in a small town in upstate New York. As long as a Grimm still lives in the town the magical barrier will hold. Many of these creatures want there to be no more Grimms. This is the sixth book in the series.

By far my favorite fiction book of the summer. I like The Last Lecture better but it was nonfiction. This is the second book about Nicholas Flamel and his wife that are the only ones with the secret of immortality. It also has many references to mythology, not just Greek mythology either. This is a great book but you have to read the first one first.
Then there is Queste. I bought it when it first came out and I still have not read it. I got started but it doesn't hold my interest. I know I will like it because I liked all the others. I just need the right time and place to read it. Maybe when all my other books are done.

Well, there it is. My summer reading so far. I as so anxiously awaiting Breaking Dawn. That is the next book I will read. I recommend all of these books. They were great.

1 comment:

Julie Castellon said...

I'd better get busy. I love Garth Nix... and I need to catch up with the "Sisters Grimm" ... so many books, so little time!

You will like Queste. I must say that the last two books have not grabbed me as much as the first two. Maybe it is just all of the other books floating in my head.

Remind me often to read all of these series!