Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras

I got caught up in a series that I really liked. It helped that all four books are already out and I did not have to wait years in between. The setting is far in the future. Our civilization had destroyed itself and a new one had taken its place. In this world everyone gets a massive operation when they are 16 that makes them beautiful. Tally Youngblood had waited her whole life to be "pretty." The society is divided into Littlies, Uglies, New Pretties, Middle Pretties, Old Pretties and finally Crumblies.
This is a fun series and I wonder what I would do. I hope I could be as tough as Tally.

Host by Stephenie Meyer

Ok. So I read the book in just two days. I got it Friday night at Costco because I forgot to pre-order it and I finished it on Sunday. It helped that I read it on Mother's Day so no one got mad at me for reading all day. (I really love that holiday.) I did not pre order this book because I was not sure I even wanted to read it. When I talked to Julie, however, she highly recommended it so I just had to get it.

Stephenie did it again. This is thumbs way up for me. I was a little freaked out at the beginning but soon I cared so much about all the character that I was really worried about how they were going to end this and have a happy ending. I even cried over that brain stealing alien.

I have to reassure DiAnn that it is not an evil book. It is really very good. It is a wholesome, uplifting, morally good, story in a body snatching, brain stealing alien sort of way.

I really liked it.